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Paid Financial & Wealth Management Advisory (1on1)

Outcome-Oriented Advisory

Our outcome-oriented advisory approach focuses on you and the positive outcome(s) you wish to see & feel from the advisory.

We, as your advisors, identify and address your unique financial needs & challenges, then use our applied knowledge and practical experience to deliver positive outcomes to you.

It ensures that the advice you get is actionable, relatable, and custom-tailored to you.

Outcome-oriented advisory approach prioritizes 2-way communication with you to explore various angles & opportunities for an issue that needs to be resolved. It engages you to discover and make sense of the most effective solution(s) to achieve the best possible outcome(s).

This applies to investment advisory, risk management advisory, retirement planning, and even business tax planning. How consultation fees are charged is explained here.

These are the 4 common financial and wealth advisory scopes to achieve the outcomes you want, click on each of them to learn more.

Financial & Wealth Advisory Services by CF Lieu by CF Lieu - Certified Financial Planner Malaysia
Financial & Wealth Advisory Services by CF Lieu by CF Lieu - Certified Financial Planner Malaysia

Paid Financial Workshop/Seminar (1 to Many)

Financial & Wealth Advisory Services by CF Lieu by CF Lieu - Certified Financial Planner Malaysia

Financial & Wealth Advisory Services by CF Lieu by CF Lieu - Certified Financial Planner Malaysia
Financial Planning Association KL
Financial & Wealth Advisory Services by CF Lieu by CF Lieu - Certified Financial Planner Malaysia
Maybank Academy
Financial & Wealth Advisory Services by CF Lieu by CF Lieu - Certified Financial Planner Malaysia
EPF via Zoom
Financial & Wealth Advisory Services by CF Lieu by CF Lieu - Certified Financial Planner Malaysia
Permodalan Nasional Bhd KL
Financial & Wealth Advisory Services by CF Lieu by CF Lieu - Certified Financial Planner Malaysia
Medical Association via Zoom
Financial & Wealth Advisory Services by CF Lieu by CF Lieu - Certified Financial Planner Malaysia
Motorola Penang