Life is a combination of decisions –
- Decisions – things you actively choose to do
- Circumstances – things that others do to you, including people you’ve never met, like politicians
- Results – your decisions + the circumstances.
When we complain about life, about the results we end up getting, we mostly complain about our circumstances, not our decisions. We seem to be fixated on circumstances.
When I first meet a person they tend to ask about my circumstances first – where am I from? where do I live?
It’s only when people get to know me that they ask why I decided to be a licensed financial adviser, for example.
Why do circumstances interest us more than decisions?
Sure, circumstances happen to us before we can even make decisions – even before we are born.
But decisions are by far more interesting because that’s how you change circumstances, possibly to the point that the circumstances disappear or stop mattering.
Most of the time, the Best Returns Aren’t Just Measured In Money
Whether you want to take a career break, retire early (without jeopardizing your retirement fund) or preserve your family wealth, we can advise you independently.
No matter what you are already doing, our advisory can help to make it even better. This result in you..
- u003cstrongu003eGaining Clarityu003c/strongu003e via Consolidated “Big Picture” u003cstrongu003eSituational Analysisu003c/strongu003e
- Making Smarter and u003cstrongu003eInformed Financial Decisionsu003c/strongu003e
- Understand the u003cstrongu003eCause u0026amp; Effectu003c/strongu003e of a Financial Decision on the Future
- u003cstrongu003eCatching u0026amp; Fixing Financial Leakagesu003c/strongu003e or u003cstrongu003eBlind spotsu003c/strongu003e before they Snowball
Financial Advisory Process Steps Explained
Identify your Priorities & Scope of Advice
We need to speak to you to precisely pinpoint your pain point(s) & desired outcome(s) from the advisory you are seeking. This is the fact-finding stage where expectations are being set as we propose how we will conduct the advisory session(s) for you to address the matters you need to resolve.
Gather Necessary Information from you
Depending on your scope of advice, this could be in the form of your current investment portfolio statements (investment advisory), details of your existing insurance policies (insurance restructuring advisory), income & spending and asset & liabilities (retirement road-mapping advisory) or tax filings & income statements (tax planning advisory for business owner).
Audit & Analyze your Information
We review the information provided, crunch the numbers and do a comprehensive ‘situational analysis’ to correlate the root cause of the issue(s) you are seeing & feeling. We prepare recommendations by putting ourselves in your shoes.
Recommend & Explain your Options
During the 1on1 advisory sessions, we explain our findings and go through with you the options you have to address the matters at hand. We advise you on the pros & cons of each options, at the same time getting your feedback to fine tune the solution(s) that is in your best interest.
Make & Implement the Best Decision
We may carry out the recommendations or serve as your coach, coordinating the process with you and other professionals such as investment managers or accountants. We may also handle the interaction with solution providers.
Certain scopes of advisory can be a dynamic on-going process that requires continuous monitoring. When needed, we review the actions implemented periodically, to take into account of changes in income, asset values, business or family circumstances.
In the end, there Are 2 Types Of People:
Those Who Make Life Happen And Those Who Let Life Happen To Them.
Are you the Type who Let Life Happen To You or You Steer your own ship?